The Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) decided on Saturday to suspend the membership of Guinea and ban it from all meetings due to a recent military coup in the country.
According to a final communique of Extraordinary Summit of ECOWAS heads of state and government, the ECOWAS decided to Suspend Guinea from all meetings of ECOWAS at heads of state and ministerial levels until constitutional order is restored in the country.
The summit urged Guinea's junta-led National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD) to take immediate steps to restore constitutional order.
The summit proposed modalities for restoring the rule of law in the country, including the requirement that the military junta establish a National Transitional Council, a legislative body of civilians and the military, that will work for the attainment of the objectives of returning the country to democracy by holding free, fair and transparent elections in 2009.
Members of the CNDD, the transitional prime minister and members of his government will not be eligible to contest the elections which must be held before the end of 2009, the communique said.
Moreover, the summit called for the establishment of an inclusive consultative forum of all the country's stakeholders that will reflect its ethnic, regional and gender diversity.
The military junta led by Moussa Camara launched a coup late in December hours after the announcement of death of President Lansana Conte who had ruled Guinea for 24 years.
The coup leader has declared no intention of running for the presidency in December 2010, which is set by the military junta.
With an area of 245,857 square km and a population of 9.56 million, the West African country is known for its rich mineral deposits, especially bauxite which accounts for half of the world's total reserves. The country, however, remains one of the poorest in the world.
Edit by Mu Xuequan (XFN)
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