라이100 - 분양광고

Korea-Australia Alumni Website for Networking

기자정보, 기사등록일
입력 2009-12-04 08:42
  • 글자크기 설정

The official website for Korean alumnus studying in Australia is open to provide Korean alumnus with abundant opportunities to expand the networking in Korea and to share the experience and memories of days in down under.

Over 250 Korean alumnus attended the gala event in the grand ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel at the evening of November 26 with the presence of the Australian ambassador to Korea, Sam Gerovich.
The event was hosted by the Australian embassy in Korea in partnership with the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Korea.

The ambassador said in the opening speech that the sheer number of Korean students represents the growth of the alumni which would play a significant role in shaping the career paths for alumnus and extending the networks.

“The website was created with the intention of providing you with a platform from which to effectively network with others who have shared an Australian education experience,” Gerovich said to the audience.

Australia and Korea’s bilateral relationship is built on the people to people links and educational linkages in particular have played and will continue to play a significant role in galvanising this continued friendship, he added.

The event offered Korean alumnus with fine Australian wines, great door prizes and a sumptuous a buffet dinner over Jazz performance.

아주경제= 신기림 기자 kirimi99@ajnews.co.kr
(아주경제=ajnews.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지

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