JCT Managing Directer Mizuyama Hirohumi[JCT]
JCT is like a key of the project realization. The deal is being done as it is listed on ‘BITMART’, ‘CYBEX’, and ‘Fcoin’ which are global cryptocurrency exchanges by means of ERC-20 base token. The service platform related to the ticket issuing and the secondary distribution, which becomes a core of the JCT project is called ‘Ja-CKET’. It’s possible to buy and sell the tickets for experiencing Japanese various cultures in Ja-CKET platform and the JCT token is used as a concept of the incentive and commission of the entire distribution.
The services provided by Ja-CKET are ‘Discover Japan’ which is Japanese representative quality magazine, ‘OTATALK’ targeting the Japanese subculture domain, ‘100 Olympians & Paralympians’ which covers the 2nd career of athletes after the retirement, and ‘Camp on Parade’ which is recently emerging camping equipment and travel contents.
JCT project consists of members abundant in the experience in each field: Hirofumi Mizuyama who listed 4 times as an owner from the Boston Consulting Group, creative Hirochika Horiuchi from Dentu which is Japanese famous advertising company, Shunsuke Azuma who was a captain of Japan-representing handball team, and Kazuki Obata who is working as a community activation missionary in Japan.
JCT Managing Director Mizuyama said “JCT project organized the management team abundant in the platform foundation experience in order to realize the dispersion and trust which were the base of Block Chain. We will reinforce a new platform for domestic/foreign users to enjoy Japan, and market it aggressively.”
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